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4 Tips for a greener kitchen

We all know it’s important to take care of the environment — and the best way to do that is by making little changes, one at a time. A great potential cause of waste in the home is the kitchen. But with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a greener kitchen and doing your part for the environment in no time.


The green bin is great for making use of food waste. But when it’s sitting outside and you’re in a hurry, it can become incredibly tempting to just scrape those leftovers into the garbage. Resist the urge! Instead, keep a small bin with a lid under the sink that is dedicated to food waste. Having it in such an easily accessible location will make you more inspired to use it. When the bag starts to get too full, just toss it in the green bin on you way out the door. You’ll have a huge impact on the environment with virtually no inconvenience to you.

Smart lighting

MSN Real Estate recommends switching over to compact fluorescent light bulbs which use 66 per cent less energy than a regular bulb and last up to ten times longer which can wind up saving you $30 in energy costs. Also remember to turn off your kitchen lights whenever you leave the room. Just because you spend a fair bit of time in there doesn’t mean the lights need to be on all the time. So as soon as you step out of the kitchen, flick that switch.

Conserve water

The kitchen can be one of the biggest sources of water waste if we aren’t careful. But Environment Canada offers some solutions that are quick and painless. Instead of running water when doing dishes, fill the sink with the necessary amount of water, add a little soap and scrub your dishes that way. If they are too sudsy for your liking, simply trickle a small amount of water over them to remove any excess soap and lay them on a dish towel to dry. Similarly, if you are washing fruits or veggies, do so in a couple inches of water rather than running the tap over each piece. If you use a dishwasher, set it to the lowest settings for both heat and duration. When it comes to drinking water, keep a jug in the fridge so you aren’t tempted to let the water run until it cools every time you need to hydrate.

Invest in new appliances

This is the pricier stage of making your kitchen greener. But remember, though these changes might hit your bank account hard now, they will save you lots of money in energy bills moving forward, and you’ll be helping the environment. The first appliance that needs to go is that old, energy-sucking fridge. Cottage Life recommends a fridge that sports the Energy Star logo. This means it exceeds federal energy-efficiency standards by at least 20 per cent. Energy Star also certifies other appliances, such as dish washers, freezers and water coolers, so you can have your whole kitchen more eco-friendly in no time.

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