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Easy bedroom cleaning tips

Cleaning doesn’t have to wait till cleaning day. Bedrooms especially need to be clean and fresh at all times, since it’s the place where we sleep and change and tend to spend long periods of time. Cleaning takes time and often needs scheduling, but there are quick tasks you can do at any time to make sure your bedroom is clean and hygienic.

Air it out

Most of us keep our bedroom door closed when we are sleeping, which leaves very little opportunity for air to circulate. This might give our bedroom a funky odor and, more dangerously, keep any bacteria trapped inside it. So it is very important to air out our bedroom. Before you leave for work or school, open the window and the door and let the air circulate. Make sure the blinds are open too, as the sun kills a lot of germs and bacteria.

Change bedsheets and pillowcases

If you don’t have time to vacuum your bedroom floor as often as you would like, you can survive that. But changing your bedsheets and pillowcases cannot be skipped. You might not know this, but acne and allergic reactions can result from friction with dirty surfaces such as unchanged pillowcases. You want the place where you rest your body and your face to be clean and hygienic.

Light candles

Rather than using air fresheners, light candles. Don’t wait till your bedroom starts to smell and try to cover up the scent. Every night, let a candle burn for just half an hour before you go to sleep. This will keep your bedroom smelling nice and fresh all the time.

Move your laundry out

Piling up laundry in your bedroom will definitely result in unwanted odors. While you can buy a hamper with holes, it is best if you keep your dirty laundry in the washroom if possible. This will give you more space and keep the room smelling fresh.

Keep a garbage can in your bedroom

One way to avoid leaving wrappers or clothes’ tags around is by having a small garbage can in your bedroom. This will reduce clutter and keep your bedroom tidy. Also, food wrappers and leftovers will attract bacteria and germs, so you don’t want anything like that on your bedside table.

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