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Luggage packing tips

Travelling and vacations are very exciting. Packing, however, can be extremely nerve wrecking, especially when travelling overseas and for a long period of time.With the crazy restrictions on weight and liquids, packing is becoming harder and harder, but there are a few tricks and tips that can make it a bit easier.

Creating a list

One thing that stresses all of us the most is having to constantly think about what to take and the fear of forgetting essentials. Our minds keep reminding us and we keep on thinking about what to pack. One way to deal with this is through writing down a to-take list and adding on it every time you remember something. This way you will visually see all the items, you won’t forget, and you will stop stressing.

Using your carry-on wisely

Gone are the days when we used to throw our shampoos, creams, toothpaste and toothbrush in our carry-on the morning of. With the restrictions on liquids, we have to wisely keep our liquids away from our purses and carry-ons. Instead, use your carry-on to stack your shoes and purses.

Kill two birds with one stone

One way to work around limited space and weight is to use items that you need to protect and cover others. For example, bending belts can easily leave dents and marks in them. What you want to do is to wrap them in a tight circle and then place them inside a purse or a pair of socks to prevent it from coming undone. Perfumes can break and need to be well insulated. So, cover perfume bottles in a couple of cotton t-shirts or shorts. And there you go, you are maximizing your space and protecting your things at the same time.

Clothes sandwiching

Finally, you want to keep breakable or hard items in the middle of your luggage. Always starts with clothes, preferably jeans and pants as they are heavier and can create good coating, place anything that is breakable or bound to pop or dent in the middle, and then add another layer of clothes.

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