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Pinterest in Practice: Button bracelet

Stray buttons seem to multiply like rabbits in the junk drawer. We all save them, but rarely do we actually use them. Dig them out (or go buy some fun new ones), and make this fun bracelet in less than an hour.

This week I thought it would be fun to tackle a button project I repinned on Pinterest awhile ago. We still had a stash of buttons on hand from our embellished T-shirt project a couple of weeks ago, and my daughter was thrilled to make this bracelet to go with it.

Here’s the whimsical button T-shirt we made >>

We loved my daughter’s bracelet as it was, but thought we would embellish it with some grosgrain ribbon to make it fancier.

What you’ll need for this project:

  • Elastic, 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch wide
  • Buttons
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • 2 pieces of grosgrain ribbon, each 5–6 inches long

What you’ll do:

Wrap the elastic band around your wrist (or your child’s wrist), and cut the elastic about 3/4 of an inch longer to allow enough room to secure the ends together.

Lay your elastic flat in front of you, and play with the arrangement of your buttons to get a general sense of how they’ll look once you sew them on. I enlisted my daughter’s help here, and she moved them around several times before she found a layout she liked. (Be sure to overlap buttons a bit so you’ll be able to cover the elastic when they are all sewn on.)

It’s helpful to snap a quick picture of your layout with your digital camera or phone to refer to later.

Set the buttons to the side, overlap the ends of your elastic band and sew them together securely.

Attach your ribbons to the seam on your elastic band. I sewed them toward each other so they would tie nicely and the buttons would completely cover the cut edges.

Sew your buttons on, overlapping each just slightly. Though it’s tempting to sew them on with one continuous piece of thread, it’s best to sew each on individually so that if you ever lose one, you don’t lose them all.

If you’re new to sewing, you’ll love our sewing tips for beginners >>

Our pattern changed as we went along, because 4-year-old assistants have a tendency to change things up on you.

Tie your ribbon into a bow, and you’re done. You can also sew your bow closed to secure it, but I opted to leave it free for tying practice.

Original pin source

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