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Steps to take when moving

Planning a big move and not sure you’ll remember everything that needs to get done? There’s no doubt about it, moving can be a stressful and exhausting process. But with this simple guide, you’ll have everything in order in no time.

Set up transportation

The first and most crucial step of the moving process is determining how everything is going to get from point A to point B. Take measurements of the largest pieces in your house to determine how big a van or truck you will need. The last thing you want is to discover at the last minute that your bed or couch won’t fit! Rent the vehicle you will need, and set up assistance — professional movers or just really good friends — well in advance.

Eliminate the junk

The less you have to bring with you, the better. You’re about to embark on a fresh start, so try to make it as clutter-free as possible. Use up any canned food that’s been lying around, toss old beauty products you know you will never use and give away outdated clothes and books. This way you won’t be lugging around more than you have to on moving day!

Box and label

Begin by boxing up those things you know there is no chance you will need before moving day (such as extra towels, spare sheets, old books, etc.). After that, make your way room by room, boxing and labelling as you go. Aim to even out the weights so all boxes are manageable. Meaning, fill two boxes with half blankets and half books rather than packing all the books into one box that no one can lift. And remember, there is no such thing as over-labeling. Reminders such as “fragile,” “open first” and “put downstairs” are all good ways to make your job easier once you get to your new home.

Clean as you go

You obviously don’t want to leave your old home dirty for those who are about to move in. But attempting to clean the place top to bottom before you leave is an overwhelming task. Instead, keep a few rags with you as you pack, and simply wipe down areas as you go. Once everything in one room is packed up, you know you don’t have to think about it again.

Forward mail

If you have only a few regular sources of mail, you can let them know individually in advance. Otherwise, consider having your mail forwarded through Canada Post. They do charge a monthly fee for the period in which you want the forwarding to take place, but the peace of mind in knowing important mail isn’t sitting in your old mailbox may be worth it.

Transfer all services

This is one task you definitely don’t want to leave to the last minute. Some companies that provide services (i.e., cable, internet, etc.) require a certain amount of notice to be cancelled or transferred without additional cost. Ensure you don’t get slammed with unnecessary fees by calling all your service providers at least 30 days in advance to alert them of your move.

Try to enjoy yourself

Moving can be a time-consuming and exhausting period. But if you stay focused on the exciting new place that awaits you and what you want to do with it once you arrive, getting everything ready to go will be a breeze!

more on moving

The pros and cons of living together before marriage
Moving and your cat: Help your cat get used to a new house
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