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Summer job-hunting tips

With so many people looking for a summer job to tide them over during the season, here’s how to get a leg up on the competition when it comes to scoring a good position.

If you want to make sure you score a plum position over the summer break, these tips may help you get an edge over your competition.

Start hunting early

If you can get your CV to potential job opportunities early — before most other people apply — you may luck out with a company looking to hire someone right away. Be sure to follow up with companies not hiring immediately so that your CV doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

Use social media

Social media sites such as Twitter, tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest are great places to promote yourself as an expert in a certain area. Also keep in mind that while newspaper advertisements were once the only place to read about job opportunities, nowadays postings are often tweets. Social media websites also allow you to meet new people, which broadens your network (and which can help you land a good job).

Check sites like Craigslist

Don’t just stick to the classifieds in the newspaper. Many reputable businesses list their openings under “job postings” on less traditional sites such as Craigslist and Kijiji.

Let everyone you know you’re looking for a summer job

Networking and telling everyone in your circle that you are looking for a job is one of the best ways you can improve your job search. Even if your friends don’t work in your industry, someone in their family, for example, may know someone who does. For this reason, having a wide social network is advantageous — your friend’s uncle’s neighbour just might be looking to hire someone, and hearing about your being available and looking for work makes their job simple, because they don’t have to take out numerous ads, interview tons of applicants, etc.

Attend job fairs

Keep your eyes peeled for job fairs happening at your school or in your area. They frequently host companies actively searching for people to fill seasonal (or even permanent full- and part-time) positions. Job fairs are also helpful because you get a chance to do quick informational interviews off the cuff and find out about companies that interest you.

More career tips

Smart questions to ask at a job interview
How to use social media to boost your job hunt
How to dress for a job interview

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