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Stay sickness-free on vacation

Of course you want to enjoy your time away; after all, you’ve spent money and taken precious time off. Here’s how to avoid getting ill while travelling.

When you’ve saved money for a vacation, booked the time off and are looking forward to some fun, stress-free time away from home, the last thing you want is to get sick while on your trip. Here are some ways to avoid falling ill when away on vacation.

Get all required shots

Well in advance of your trip, check what types of shots or vaccinations you need for your destination. Don’t leave it for the last minute, as some medications require more than one dose. Plus, you’ll need to have scheduled an appointment with your doctor or a travel clinic to get any shots or medications you’ll require. Typhoid, hepatitis A and hepatitis B are the common diseases to be inoculated against. Aside from getting these vaccinations, make sure your tetanus and polio immunizations are up-to-date. If not, get a booster shot from your family doctor.

Bring the medications you may need

If you take prescription drugs, get a note from your doctor explaining what they are in case you’re asked about them at the airport. Pack medications in your carry-on so you will have them with you should your luggage get lost. Bring allergy and anti-diarrhea drugs with you too, as diarrhea is one of the most common ailments to affect travellers.

Avoid drinking the water

Avoid drinks with ice cubes and any non-bottled water, but if the water’s been boiled (for coffee or tea, for example), you should be fine. If you want to be extra cautious, use bottled water for brushing your teeth as well, and be careful not to ingest any water when in the shower. The water may be fine, but if your destination is known to sometimes not have the cleanest water, play it safe than rather risk getting sick.

Keep your feet protected

You may want to feel that soft, powdery sand beneath your feet, but you could pick up a fungal or parasitic infection when walking around barefoot. It’s safer to keep your flip-flops on at all times, even in the resort’s gym showers.

Avoid raw foods

Raw, fresh produce can be sources of illness, so make sure they’ve been washed thoroughly. Avoid anything that raises an eyebrow; if you feel unsure about the meat sold at a street vendor, trust your instincts, and skip eating there.

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