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Christmas Eve traditions to try out

Whether you’re tired of your usual routine or simply think you have room for something fresh, trying something new this Christmas Eve can be lots of fun for everyone. Here are just a few ideas to get you started on experimenting with some exciting new traditions this year.

Do a surprise gift opening

Undeniably the anticipation of waiting to open presents on Christmas morning is exciting. But think how fun it will be if you surprise your family and tell them they’re each allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve. We have no doubt the joy on their faces will be well worth the change. And to make things extra fun, consider getting everyone a gift they can actually make use of on Dec. 24, such as a pair of Christmas-themed pyjamas. It’s a great way to get the spirit of giving started early!

Cook something totally new

There’s no doubt we come to love the foods that are part of our holiday traditions. But it can also be a lot of fun to try something totally wacky and different. Used to turkey on Christmas Eve? Consider a gourmet bourbon-glazed salmon instead. Is pumpkin pie your typical dessert? Try one of these pumpkin dessert alternatives this year. If you’re nervous about getting experimental, start small by keeping everything the same except for a side dish or two. What have you got to lose? Worst case scenario, you’ll discover you don’t like the new options as much, and you can go back to your traditions next year. But you may find something you really do love and want to incorporate into future holidays!

Take in the lights

Around this time of year, people’s yards and homes look more beautiful than ever. The twinkling lights and creative decor make every street stunning and unique. So this year, after you enjoy your Christmas Eve meal, go for a stroll around the neighbourhood, and take in all the attractive displays. Or if you’ve already seen everything in your area, hop in the car with some hot cocoa, and drive somewhere new. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a warm Christmas Eve chat while appreciating all the beauty the holiday season has to offer.

Add a new form of family time

Every family has something in particular they do Christmas Eve. Some go to church, some watch a Christmas movie together, and others enjoy a certain game or activity. Whatever the tradition, try something different this year. If you love playing games, start up a round of Christmas-opoly. Or print off some Christmas trivia and quizzes, and see just how much you all know about the holiday you’re celebrating. Or if you’ve had a long day and just want to sit back and relax with one another, watch a holiday movie none of you have seen yet. There are so many fun things to do together Christmas Eve, so go ahead and try something new!

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