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Changing the way the world sees homelessness (VIDEO)

Rethink Homelessness is “a strategic creative grassroots initiative” set up to encourage the community in Central Florida to rethink who the homeless really are in their local area. But the message applies to us all, throughout the world: Do you really know who the homeless in your town are?

Photo credit: Rethink Homelessness

Rethink Homelessness asked the homeless of Orlando to write down something about themselves that people wouldn’t know by just walking past them. Their Cardboard Stories make for thought-provoking reading:

Video credit: Rethink Homelessness

Homelessness in Canada

In all reality, we are all just a few circumstances away from finding ourselves in a situation that could lead to homelessness. It’s easy to make snap judgments, to think that it could never happen to us or to think that we would do something differently if we were faced with homelessness. The truth is, until you’ve been in someone else’s exact situation, you have no idea how you would handle it nor can you begin to understand the circumstances that lead them to where they are. This infographic gives us a glimpse at the magnitude of homelessness in Canada and the people who are living this life daily. Instead of judging others, maybe we should start asking ourselves how we can help.

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