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How to effectively use social media to grow your business

What can you do to make social media work for you?

At the end of this project, I remain skeptical of social media as a magical source of new clients. It just isn’t. But I was surprised by the concrete reasons the best small business owners invest their time, energy and creativity in social media.

What can you do differently today to take full advantage of the power of social media? There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Borrow these tips and get started.

  1. Know your goal. What do you want to accomplish in your business in the next three months? Will your time spent in social media, strengthening existing client relationships, looking legitimate and increasing search traffic help you meet those goals? If not, look to invest the time elsewhere.
  2. Set a timer. Stay disciplined. Social media can be addicting, and what starts off as “I’ll only spend 30 minutes a day on Facebook” turns into two hours before you know it. Refer to your plan (what is it, again, you wanted to achieve?) and stick to it. When it comes to social media, more time spent doesn’t equal better results.
  3. Measure your results. Re-allocating 15 minutes of your social media time to analyzing your results against your goals everyday is more than worth it. It will keep you focused and you’ll achieve more faster. I don’t know why this works, but it does.

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