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Best news bloopers of 2014 (VIDEO)

This video will give you a whole new appreciation of the dangers involved when reporting live news on television.

Sure, it’s easy to dismiss television journalists as cheesecake readers with fantastic hair, but as this video so clearly shows, producing live news is anything but predictable.

Watching this highlight — er… maybe lowlight — video of the best news bloopers from 2014 is a reminder that when you’re making live TV, you’ve got to be prepared for just about anything. Head on the swivel, people!
This year brought us an intrepid newsman being demolished by blowing snow plows, an adorable red-headed kid who said “apparently” an awful lot and even gave us a sighting of Benjy Bronk, writer for the Howard Stern Show, being forcibly removed from a Roger Goodell press conference.

There’s also a hilarious clip of two pros making delightful TV despite an audio outage during their newscast. These anchors know how to think on their feet and show they’re much more than a couple of pretty faces. All they needed for pure television gold were a couple of markers and a few sheets of paper.

Watching this video is a reminder of the talented folks who get up every day and put themselves is the most absurd situations — all in the name of bringing us the latest news. Well, and maybe a couple of laughs.

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