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40 Dogs vanish from Wise County, Texas — where are they?

What would you do if your very large, very friendly family dog just disappeared from your fenced yard one day?

What if several of your neighbors also reported their dogs vanished into what seemed like thin air? How about 40 dogs?

That’s the awful mystery facing dog owners in North Texas’ Wise County, where more than 40 dogs have been reported missing under unusual circumstances since November 2014. What’s worse, authorities have no idea why.

Decatur Mayor Martin Woodruff reported his two dogs missing — a pit bull and a Great Dane — after they just vanished from a secured backyard.

“Police dispatch said after several hours that this is very unusual,” Woodruff said.

Robin Lewis’ family, who lives in Decatur, lost their beloved dog, Jack, a black Lab, and are desperately searching for some explanation.

“It’s been really difficult trying to explain Jack’s gone, and are we ever going to see him again?” Lewis told a local news station. “They’re heartbroken. I’m heartbroken. My husband’s heartbroken.”

The county sheriff has no clues or leads as to what happened to this many of the area’s dogs.

The logical explanation is that these dogs are being stolen somehow, but how do you steal a Great Dane? Is this some PETA protest against keeping animals as pets? Let’s hope that’s it.

Here’s more on the sad mystery.

More on dealing with losing a family dog

Healing ways to deal with losing your family pet
Helping your dog grieve
Grandpa is given a puppy after losing his wife and dog (VIDEO)

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