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World Cup: What to do when you become a football widow

If your football mad partner is anything like mine, it won’t make one bit of difference that England did not win the World Cup, he probably still watched every single match with interest. If Outer Mongolia versus Mars were playing it would still have catched his attention. Unfortunately for me, this meant that I was a true world cup widow and I’m sure that I was not alone! So come on girls what fun can we have with our freedom next time a sporting event is on?

Let’s party!

The World Cup is a perfect excuse to host the ultimate girl’s night in. Leave your man and his mates in the pub watching the match and invest in some quality girly catch up time. Consider having a spa party complete with facials, manicures and pedicures. Stock up on snacks and wine and invite all of the other football widows to join you. You could also plan a movie night complete with all of your favourite romantic comedies.

Preen and pamper

Every WAG worth their salt knows the value of spending the time to pamper themselves. Why not use the absence of your other half to spend a little time making yourself look and feel fabulous? Take a long hot soak in the bath with a luxury bath product and treat yourself to an evening where you can walk around in a fluffy towel and face mask.

Get some fresh air

Make the most of the unusually stable British weather and light nights and take the opportunity to go out for a walk or a run. The fresh air will make you feel great. Running or walking with a friend will add to your motivation to exercise and will mean you can have a catch up with a friend along the way.

Have a duvet evening

You have heard of duvet days, well how about having a duvet evening? Rent a film that your partner would not watch in a million years such as Bridget Jones Diary, Sex in the City or Breakfast at Tiffany’s, get yourself a huge bucket of popcorn and a huge duvet and watch the film in peace without someone complaining about the girly content.

If all else fails and you are missing your man too much, you could always give in and watch the match with him!

More on the World Cup

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