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4 Tricks that will change your sex life

Do you feel that your sex life has lost its sizzle? Have you been with your partner for a while or are you married with children? Perhaps you put a lot of hours in at work, and you’re too tired to get jiggy with it when you get home? If you would like to get back into the swing of things, here are four tricks that will transform your sex life.

Shake it up

Do you always have sex in the same position? Have you ever considered role-play? Edibles in the bedroom fancy your taste buds? If you and your partner are sole missionary position people, then maybe it’s time to try something new.

Try chatting with your partner, and see what excites them. This takes a courageous amount of trust, however, if you take the time to spice it up and find out about what he or she might like to explore, you can start to spice up you sex life. Ask your partner if there is anything he or she would like to try. You never know… you may surprise each other.

Look after yourself

Whether it’s taking Vitamin B Complex + Flax Oil or Zinc to increase your libido, it is very important to look after yourself. People who are overweight may find it difficult to have a steamy sex life. Why not try doing 20 sit-ups together at night before going to bed? If nothing else, it might be a good laugh.

Wear sexy underwear

Get rid of those nasty old boxers and the saggy granny panties. Elle Macpherson sells some nice French knickers that will get your man saying, OUI OUI! And, every man should have a couple pairs of Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Alternatively, try the Italian brand Intimissi: their cheeky boxer briefs come in all kinds of fun colours. Sexy!

Lastly, don’t forget to groom yourself. There is nothing more off-putting than a 70s-era bush. I’m not saying let’s go all the way baby, but a regular bikini wax wouldn’t hurt, or for the blokes, a back wax. It demonstrates that you care about your body. After all, your body is a temple — don’t you want your partner to worship it?

Climax at the same time

Kama Sutra. Tantric Sex. I am sure you’ve heard it all. For many people, it might be setting our aims a bit high. However, why not try having an orgasm at the same time with your partner? This requires some communication, but it can be done. If you’ve never experienced this make this one of your personal sexual goals. And remember, at the end of the day… practice makes perfect.

Spend quality time together

Put away your iPhone, pack up your iPod, shut down the computer — and try being attentive to your partner. Talk. Hold hands. Cook together. Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘those that cook together, stay together?’ Perhaps there is something in that!

Try to find a common interest. Is it jogging? Biking? Taking a cooking class together? Explore what you and your partner have in common, and don’t forget romance and chivalry. Often, women need romance to keep the passion alive. An expected hug; flowers for nothing; massage. Nothing ‘shows’ a woman how much you love them more than things like this.

Also, how about making sure that you as a couple change the scenery once in a while? Going on a holiday is one of the best ways that couples keep the passion alive, so, book ahead and get good deals. Put something in the diary to look forward to. Now that is exciting!

Like food, water and sleep, sex is considered a basic need that human beings need to survive and essentially be happy. And, like my mother always says, “Sex is not important unless you ain’t getting any!”

So get back onto the saddle people. Life is too short not to be living it to its fullest!

Read more about s-e-x!

Why you should have more sex
How to tell if your mate has a sleep sex disorder
20 tricks to try in the bedroom

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