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Why water is the best-kept beauty secret

Water is an essential beauty product. Not only does it enhance your skin, hair and nails but it also gives you an inner glow thanks to all its benefits for your body. So next time you want a beauty boost, grab a glass!

Clear skin

Drinking water keeps your skin cleansed and hydrated, encouraging clear, fresh skin. By drinking water you flush out toxins and eliminate the dirt that clogs the pores of your skin, giving you a healthier glow.

Natural weight loss

You may not believe it but drinking water actually helps you to lose weight. A lot of the time when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty, and when you drink water you feel fuller. This will stop you snacking needlessly. Replacing water with your usual drink such as fizzy or caffeine-based drinks is also good for your body. As well as the health benefits that water provides, it means that you are cutting out sugary junk drinks that are bad for you.

Toning skin

Water helps to keep your skin tight and toned, cleansed and flushed of toxins. Your body naturally fills cells with water to make them firm and tight, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles for a smooth finish. When the cells are filled with water they become bulged and push against your skin from the inside, and this can help to reduce unsightly marks such as cellulite and flabby skin.

Glossy hair

Drinking water hydrates cells, and your hair is no exception. Drink plenty of water to make your hair naturally soft and silky. If you have frizzy or brittle hair, don’t bother with expensive products – just drink more water and you will see a difference in no time.

A healthier you

What you put in your body really shows on the outside. Drinking water makes your blood thinner, leading to a faster blood flow and nourishment for your body cells. Lowering your blood pressure will give you a healthier heart and gives you much more energy. With your body feeling cleansed and in excellent working condition you will feel and look great, giving you a natural confidence boost.

How much water?

Experts recommend 2.5 litres a day, that is about 6–8 glasses, but as all bodies are different, check for your weight, height and age. The more you drink the more your body will crave water, so give it a go. You will quickly notice positive results.

more healthy drink tips

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