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Make a change in your life for Lent

If you are thinking about giving up something for Lent then why not shun the traditional chocolate embargo and go for something that could really make a change to your life. Six weeks is the perfect amount of time to try out something new – you never know, you might just stick with it!

Give up your seat on the bus

Being considerate of other people isn’t always easy to do when you are having a busy day. So why not make a conscious effort to do one kind deed every day in the run-up to Easter? Give up your seat on a bus, bring in cakes for co-workers or get in touch with an old friend.

Turn off that phone

If checking your phone is the last thing you do at night and the first thing you do in the morning then this one abstention could be for you. It is sometimes hard these days to switch off from your work and social life. Checking emails, updating social networks or even texting friends up until you sleep at night means you will find it more difficult to relax and could impact on the quality of your sleep as well. Ban the phone from the bedroom for six weeks and you will be surprised how much more relaxed you will feel in the evenings.

Kick caffeine into touch

Most of us rely on their morning cup of coffee or tea to wake us up at the start of the day but do you think that you may be drinking too much? Caffeine can increase blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia as well as exacerbate a whole host of other health problems. For Lent, why not give up caffeine products all together and replace them with healthier alternatives such as water and fruit juices. Herbal teas can be great, or you could switch to decaf coffee if you still need that warm wake up in the morning.

Ditch the gym

With spring just around the corner, why not take advantage of the good weather and exercise outside. After months stuck in the gym you will be surprised at how energising it is to work out in the fresh air. Leaving the gym doesn’t necessarily mean you have to ditch your favourite work-out class. There are many outdoor-based exercise groups from yoga and Pilates to circuit training. Try one of them for six weeks and if you don’t like it then go back to your old routine!

More lent ideas

Things to give up for Lent: mindless eating
Making lifestyle changes
6 Reasons you aren’t happy and how to change it

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