It can sometimes be very hard to get noticed at work, especially when so many people want to climb the career ladder. Here are five tips which are guaranteed to please the boss and put you in good stead for that all important promotion.
Become a specialist
Many people are generalists within a company and can perform many tasks rather than specialising in just one. Generalists are very useful when a company is starting up, but sometimes someone who specialises in one area is needed at some point and can normally command far more money than generalists for their time. By being a specialist, but also being capable of doing a large range of tasks, you have the best of both worlds and will be considered valuable by your boss. Look up what areas are considered the most important in your company and become a specialist in them. It may take a fair amount of reading at night and a night course or two, but it will be worth it in the end.
Speak up
Make sure you contribute in meetings and chats with your boss and make them aware that you have a voice and opinions. When you leave for the day your boss should be able to remember something you said that day rather than, at worst, not really know who you are. By standing up and being counted, you are showing confidence, interest and a willingness to get involved.
Offer to take on more responsibility
The one sure-fire way to get noticed is to offer to take on more. Ask for a meeting with your boss and explain that you would like more responsibility as you feel you can handle it. Most employers will be over the moon, pleased to accommodate your request and won’t forget it in a hurry. It’ll help you stand out from the crowd by going the extra mile and put you in good stead for any future promotion.
Get knowledgeable
Employers are always looking for employees who know a bit extra and keep up with the industry news. Knowing exactly what is going on in your company’s field, whether it be new potential rivals, big contracts won by other firms or businesses closing down, it will all help impress your boss at board meetings and even informal conversations at the water dispenser. All it takes is a few minutes reading each day to keep up to date with the latest goings on, which could be worth their weight in gold when it comes to making a good impression.
Get involved organising events
Most companies have a few events a year, whether it be the Christmas party, a charity auction or a summer fair. Volunteer your services in the organising process and offer to do anything which is needed to make the event successful. Your colleagues will thank you for it and your boss will notice your drive and enthusiasm.
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