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3 Pre-party pampering rituals

Now that the party season is almost upon us, it’s important to carve out a little time to pamper yourself. Here’s three pre-party rituals which will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated before the big event without the need to leave home.

Soak in a candlelit, pink Himalayan salt bath

Pink Himalayan Salt, sourced directly from the foothills of the Himalayas, contains over eighty minerals and trace elements, all of which are essential for our bodies’ needs. Sprinkle a cup of these beautiful rose-coloured salts into a warm bath then soak for twenty minutes. Detoxifying and relaxing, the stress stored in your muscles and joints will simply melt away. But don’t overdo it. Soak for longer than twenty minutes and you’ll want to go straight to bed for a well-earned snooze. Pink Himalayan Salt is available from The Salt Seller.

Condition your hair with coconut oil

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil has multiple uses which benefit our skin, hair and health. Rich in nutrients and essential fatty acids, the oil seals the hair follicle from the outside, preventing vital moisture from escaping. Warm a spoonful of oil in your hands then apply it to damp hair. Leave it on for as long as possible before rinsing it off with hot water and your favourite shampoo. A little oil and a lot of hot water is just the right combination for silken, glossy, manageable hair. Buy your coconut oil from The Groovy Food Company.

Scrub up with oil and salt

From meeting and greeting at the office party to serving up platefuls of snacks and canapes, your hands are on show more than you realise. To keep your skin soft and presentation-perfect, apply a homemade scrub once a week. Simply combine equal parts of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Pink Himalayan Salt then scrub your hands vigorously over the sink. As the salt sloughs off a layer of dead skin, the oil (which is chock-full of antioxidants and vitamins A and E) nourishes the epidermis. Do this on a regular basis and you’ll be able to bid adieu to expensive lotions and potions. SO Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is available from Sainsburys.

More ways to pamper yourself

DIY: Sugar body scrub
DIY: Rich face and body moisturiser
Celebrity beauty indulgences

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