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Go grey gracefully

Grey hair has long been associated with ageing, but when is grey hair actually a striking silver? One woman’s “snow white” may be another woman’s “platinum blonde.”

Going grey is pretty trendy right now, so it may not mean reaching straight for the hair-dye bottle. In fact, many noted celebrities are actually dyeing their hair with grey and silver highlights or adopting it as an all-over shade.

As we age our skin tone and pigmentation fades. We should not just dye our hair the colour it once was when we start to go grey, as it can look too stark in contrast to a lighter complexion. Some of us will go grey prematurely, even as early as in our twenties and thirties. This is particularly common in those with thick, dark hair. In this case, if you elect to colour your hair in its natural shade or very near to it, you could still look fabulous. Deciding whether to dye hair that is turning grey is a matter of personal choice but also of balance. What goes with your own look? Is it time to get out the blue rinse or maybe even the bright blue and pink stripes? Or should you just ring the changes and simply look sensational with naturally silver, white or grey hair.

Never say dye

If you have never coloured your greying hair then you will never face the dilemma of growing out the white roots, which will make a marked contrast to any permanent hair colour on the rest of your hair. If you have been covering up the grey with hair dye, then you may need to get used to wearing scarves, hairbands or hats while you grow it out. A really versatile look is to have cropped white or grey hair. As soon as your natural grey colour is long enough for a short hairstyle, why not go for it? Some very high profile women have done just that. This distinctive style is very youthful and really attractive. Jamie Lee Curtis and Judi Dench are wonderful examples of how to go grey gracefully with sharp, short hair. Pink and Pixie Geldof wear this look too,  though for a cool, younger generation. Lady Gaga has also sampled being an iconic, silver-haired siren.

Striking tones of silver, grey or white

Christina Aguilera mixed striking silver hair with black low lights in a scene-stealing style. Kelly Osbourne recently created really elegant locks with hair dyed a misty grey then gently waved for retro Hollywood glamour. Supermodels of all ages have also taken to grey hair with their usual classic flair. Kristen McMenamy’s silver hair, whether worn long or short, looks both graceful and stunning. Kate Moss still looks beautiful with shiny, silver-grey roots peeping through blonde streaks and Agyness Deyn is famous for her quirky, silver-blonde crop.

Is grey hair ageing?

It all depends on how you wear it. You can go grey gracefully, grooming your hair and having frequent trims, particularly if your hair is in a short style like a crop or a bob.

You need to stay on top of your grey hair though, as you age. If you choose to wear it longer, make sure it does not look dull and lack lustre. Use lots of good conditioner and have it trimmed frequently to cut off dry, dead ends. If it is short, then visit the hairdresser frequently to retain the style. Unkempt grey hair is very ageing. Unless you are a true eccentric, the “old witch of the woods” look is really not youthful! Older women can have lovely, long grey, white or silver hair. However, it should be styled with the use of clips, pins and combs to maintain a classic look.

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Photo credits: Getty, Daniel Tanner/, Lia Toby/, Flashpoint/

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