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SDSU golf trick video is a ‘straight masterpiece’

This video and these girls are so cool, I can’t even.

The ladies of the San Diego State University golf team have made an incredible video showcasing some amazing golf tricks that is burning up the internet.

Not content to just re-create the Tiger Woods juggling trick from his Nike Golf ad, they have incorporated choreography, tumbling and the infectious soundtrack of Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” to complete their golf masterpiece.

But there’s something so much cooler than golf tricks going on here. This is what feminism looks like. Not bra burning or screaming about the patriarchy, but something much simpler and more wonderful.

This video shows a group of women athletes performing at the very highest levels of their sport with a joy and swagger you just don’t get to see young ladies wearing very often in the media. The members of the SDSU ladies golf team are role models simply by virtue of doing what they clearly love to do — play golf — with an enthusiasm that would inspire even the crummiest golfer to head down to the range for a little fun. That’s it.

Cool, right?

These golfers show us all there’s nothing hotter than being really competent at something. Not oiled up and showing your tuchus internet breaking. Just really excellent athletes showing us what they’ve got. And it’s wonderful.

In three short days, the video has been viewed more than 140,000 times, and the count continues to climb. You can’t help but watch it more than once.

Congratulations, ladies! This is indeed a straight masterpiece. Our little girls need more role models just like you. Thanks for that.

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