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DIY bracelet holder for kids

We love Rainbow Looming, but where and how do we store all of the colorful creations? Make your own storage systems with this fun craft that uses recycled paper towel rolls.

t Recently, we welcomed the Rainbow Loom into our home. My daughter used her allowance money to purchase the craft-craze must-have. As a mom, I love it for two reasons: 1) I grew up making bracelets, jewelry and fun accessories, and 2) I love to see my daughter being creative and not spending her free time using electronics.

t J. makes bracelets morning, noon and night. This week, she maxed out her arm space, meaning she has so many bracelets that she can’t fit them all onto her two sweet arms. The result: piles of bracelets, tangled elastics and a few unraveled creations. After her hard work designing and spending time on the loom, she doesn’t want to see her bracelets fall apart.

t I tried jewelry boxes and shoe boxes, but nothing worked well. And then I had a light-bulb mommy moment. After breakfast one morning this week, as I was tidying up after making lunches, I thought, “Why not create a Rainbow Loom bracelet holder by repurposing/recycling and using craft supplies we already have on hand?” After school, J. and I made the first of several Rainbow Loom bracelet holders.

t And here is an easy how-to that will help you make your own bracelet holder in less than 10 minutes. I’m so excited to share this very easy and fun craft as a SheKnows Expert today.

DIY bracelet holder for kids


  • 1 empty paper towel roll
  • t

  • 1 roll colorful duct tape
  • t

  • Scissors



  1. Cut pieces of fun duct tape. (You can use the same roll or alternate colors and patterns. We have a lot of duct tape from J.’s previous obsession with duct tape crafts, and so I’m thrilled to repurpose this leftover supply.)
  2. t

  3. Wrap the duct tape around the entire paper towel roll, covering all the cardboard all the way until the end. The idea is to create a smooth surface for the bracelets to slide onto easily.
  4. t

  5. Carefully slide your bracelets onto the jewelry holder and store the holder standing up.
  6. t

  7. You can create holders to sort bracelets by color, style, size… you name it!


t That’s it!


t J. and I had the best time doing this mom-and-daughter craft. We are both happy that she has a cute and colorful storage system that keeps her collection (and her bureau) neat and tidy.

t Save those empty paper towel rolls, moms!

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