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Beard simulators, body part insurance and 4 other searches I did this week

I feel like I’m not giving you the best of my searches, but they’ve been mild instead of wildly inappropriate. Maybe next week will worse/better in the rabbit hole of the internet matrix.

Search:When two people come up with the same idea independently
Answer: Multiple discovery. I was working on a design request for an article when I saw another outlet had come up with the exact same idea and published it. Editing bummer.

Search:Ragdoll cat
Answer: A breed of cat that apparently has a massive fanbase because the internet loved this video of a Ragdoll cat begging to be slid across the floor by his owner.

Answer: A new app that live streams video. Already ranking above the adorable small carnivoran mammals popularized by Timon in the Lion King.

Search: Do people really have period sex
Answer: Um, yes, and apparently there are all kinds of methods to it. This article from The Cut talks about trying a cervical cap for mess-free fun and it is graphically awesome.

Search:Beard simulator
Answer: Try one. I don’t know. I was having a moment.

Image: Colleen Stinchcombe with a “Just for Men” beard

From the editors:

Search:Why do celebrities insure their body parts?
Answer: Basically it doesn’t make any sense, but if you want to know what body part is worth what, check out our slideshow on it.

Don’t forget to check out last week’s article: Pancake cakes, forever puppies and seven other searches I did this week

What weird internet searches did you do this week?

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