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British men are domestic gods, but what about Aussie blokes?

So, as it turns out, Aussie guys have got some competition when it comes to being top-notch dating material. British men have been said to have the hottest accent on the planet, and now they’ve been called domestic gods at home, too.

A new survey has found that British men are more open to doing chores around the home than they’ve ever been before. And you know what gets a woman hot under the collar — a man who doesn’t mind getting elbow-deep in dishwater. Ooh!

But that’s because no-one likes to do the dishes, really, and with men and women both putting the same amount of hours in at the office in many cases, the push for equal distribution of home chores is a necessary shift that can’t happen soon enough.

The guys in the U.K. are getting on board, though, with research showing one in five men are in charge of cooking dinner every night, while one in 10 men regularly do the washing up.

And the gender balance is going both ways, too, ladies, with the women in the study admitting to taking on chores their mothers might not have attempted or just left to the man of the house.

But how do Australian men stack up? Are they just as open to sharing the workload at home?

The latest Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, released late last year, shows that between 2000 and 2011 women were the main breadwinners in one of every four households, but were doing more than twice the amount of housework as their partners.

Women spend around 16 hours per week doing housework, while male partners only do around eight. So why aren’t guys spending more time doing the washing? It turns out that both men and women are spending less time maintaining the home. Weekends aren’t spent doing spring cleaning, but rather, enjoying the time off or planning weekends away. People are more conscious of time and so prioritise it differently to, say, how our parents did. Overall, we’re either outsourcing help around the house or we’re living in messier homes.

What do you think? Who does the most around the house in your family? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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