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#WaysToEnjoyAGoodLife hashtag offers deep life advice from the internet

Maybe you’re having one of those days where nothing seems to be going to plan.

Those days that you run out of milk and the fire alarm goes off because you’ve burnt dinner, or you get stuck in traffic with the kids who are running a muck today more than usual.

Whatever the case, it might be worth taking a moment to flick through the hashtag trending on Twitter called #WaysToEnjoyAGoodLife.

More:Give and take to find happiness

People are getting together to share their own takes on what a good life means to them and how to make the most of any situation.

From travelling the world to being kind to our furry friends, here are some of the ways people are enjoying the good life — and you can, too.

1. Dance because it feels good

2. Lose yourself in the pages of a good book

3. Be kind to creatures, great and small

4. Don’t forget to allow yourself a bit of R and R

5. Be silly with the kids

6. Dress to impress; leave the trackies at home

7. Go without pants at every opportunity possible

8. Pamper yourself with a trip to the hairdressers

9. Create your own sense of happiness

10. And when it all gets too much, remember to just keep swimming

How do you enjoy the good life? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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