This video goes out to every perturbed downstairs neighbor armed only with a broom handle and left screaming “what is going on up there?” at a rumbling ceiling.
Here’s your big reveal.
Meet David and Julia, a pair of upstairs neighbors out to elevate their game when it comes to making the right amount of noise to drive their befuddled downstairs neighbor completely mental.
“People think of neighborly noise as a nuisance, but we think of it as an art form,” Julia says.
Bowling balls, wood being chopped, a cash register full of change shaking — these are the sounds that David and Julia use to create a symphony of irritation for their downstairs neighbor.
“Their ceiling is our stage,” David says while touching up his intricate diagrams of how he’ll use buckets of water tied to a stick to bash the ceiling of his neighbor below.
“I want them to stop, and I want to know what the hell they’re doing!” the neighbor yells.
It’s just as bad as she could possibly imagine.
“Some people might say what we do is passive-aggressive. To those people, we say, ‘thank you,'” David and Julia sign off.
For anyone who has ever lay awake at night, wondering what in the hell those people are doing up there, David and Julia are here to confirm it’s probably just as bad as you think.
It’s only totally hilarious because it’s the picture we’ve all had of our neighbors popping balloons and rolling kegs of beer.
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