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Cat nurses rescued baby goat back to health (VIDEO)

Baby goat Iker had the misfortune of being born on a crowded meat farm in Spain. As a result, after only 11 days of life, he had a shattered leg, and a death sentence — his owner simply didn’t see the use for him.

However, before that could happen, a family rescued little Iker, and brought him into the loving care of the Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary. Together with Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary, they saved his life, turning the little goat’s unlucky streak right around.

While Iker was recovering, he met another rescued animal, Cody the tabby cat, who immediately took to him, and started sleeping next to him every night. Cody has a knack for nursing animals, and now does so with others who come through the Sanctuary. However, his connection with Iker was particularly special.

I love that Iker’s like, “OK, that’s enough” toward the end. Cody just likes to be really thorough. After Iker’s surgery, he was brought to Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary where he’ll live out his days with other rescued animals like Cody. While he may never walk normally again, he’s recovering well, and is surrounded by loving people. And Cody knows it was all thanks to him and his miracle tongue bath!

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