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7 Awesome fashion choices your husband will hate — but who cares?

There are women who dress for men (bless their hearts) and there are women who dress for themselves and other women — no matter how often their trendy and avant-garde fashions leave husbands and boyfriends utterly bewildered.

I’ve learned the hard way that there is no point trying to impress a man with what I consider interesting or smart fashion choices — my husband is most flattering when I wear fuss-free dark denim jeans, a vintage-style baseball T-shirt and flats. If I so much as add a pair of dangling earrings that I consider the equivalent of wearable art, the compliments decrease. My poor partner is married to a woman who would wear a ball gown to go grocery shopping if possible.

Over the years, he has developed a healthy appreciation for trapeze blouses with jabot collars and totally useless (but adorable) shoes, while forever remaining amused by it all. But does he love my faux gray fur jacket — the one that sheds all over the house? He has merely learned how to weep in silence.

He isn’t alone. Speaking with the boyfriends and husbands of fashion-forward friends, I’ve learned there are a few trends that they find universally baffling. Here are seven of the most “offensive” fashion choices that no woman should stop wearing because we will totally get them to come around on these at some point (I mean, obviously, right)?

1. Culottes


They aren’t pants and they aren’t shorts — their refusal to commit is a positive thing for women because we can even get away with wearing these babies to the office, but it leaves men shaking their heads.

More: How to wear culottes to the office

2. Leopard print


I always think of animal prints as powerful and assertive — which may be part of the reason some men have such a beef with it?

3. High-waisted jeans


Confession: I own these exact pants. They take a little getting used to at first (the waist practically sits on your boobs) but they’re amazing. Flattering in a butt-creating way. I get tons of compliments on them… from women.

More:14 Fashionable sweatshirts that prove they aren’t just for the gym

4. Interesting heels


There are sensible high heels that are great for Monday meetings, and then there are interesting heels and shoes that are works of art. Guys don’t always agree.

5. Rompers


Rompers have been around now for a few years and are far more mainstream than ever before. As a result, I found fewer men had nasty things to say about them, aside from the usual, “They look like onesies” remark. Still, it’ll be a while before they make it to the top of the Men’s Summer Women’s Wardrobe List (where hot pants reign supreme).

6. Fur — even fake fur


Fake fur is warm, chic and politically correct — what’s not to love?

More:18 Photos proving ’70s fashion trends are still totally groovy

7. Trapeze dress or shirt


It’s all about balance. What men don’t take the time to understand is that a trapeze dress or blouse allows us to get away with wearing sexy, tight leggings and high heels — which are universally loved, right?

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