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J. Crew’s budget-friendly line is finally here

For those of us who have fawned over the fashion stylings of the ever-so-classy J. Crew only to be dismayed by their cringe-worthy pricing, the fashion gods have answered our prayers.

It was rumored earlier this spring that the brand was developing a budget-friendly line, and finally a rumor we want to come true, has.

During an interview with Women‘s Wear Daily in December of 2014, CEO Mickey Drexel expressed little surprise in the label’s dismal sales, claiming the market for women’s clothing has been suffering as a result of fast-fashion retailers. Most women’s clothing stores have initiated heavy discounts in order to just barely reach their goals.

So, while I highly admire J. Crew — their sweaters are perfection — I can only do so from afar. It doesn’t make much sense to pay $60-$150 for one item when I could easily rack up 15 finds at a fast-fashion retailer like Forever 21 on that same budget. But that requires sacrificing quality.

Thankfully, J. Crew Mercantile has officially launched and your credit card is about to love you for it. For those of us shopping on a budget (shout out to my college grads just trying to be trendy in the working world), J. Crew Mercantile allows us to continue representing the brand’s signature preppy aesthetic without the cringe-tastic prices. Cue happy dance because now I can splurge on one of their signature merino sweaters without crying away my paycheck! Yes, I will be channeling my inner Blair Waldorf without sacrificing the entirety of my bank account.

J. Crew Mercantile is now available on the brand’s factory website and in select outlet stores. Its first brick-and-mortar location is set to open in late July in Dallas (you lucky Texans, you). But for a discounted J. Crew line? I’m thinking it’s time I booked a trip to Texas, care to join?

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