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13 Side-eye GIFs for when you just can’t even

In a world seemingly dominated by technology, text messaging reigns supreme. It’s way quicker and easier to shoot off a text than to call someone, but with texting come issues like mixed signals, hidden sarcasm and language barriers.

At one point in our lives, I’m sure we’ve all received a text and thought, “How the heck do I even respond to this?” No matter how witty and eloquent you may be, it can be hard to find the right words to say.

That’s when a side-eye comes in handy… for the good, bad and ugly of texting situations.

Why? Because sometimes it’s best to just sit back and let the GIF do the talkin’.

For when you’re trying to size someone up and simultaneously throw some shade

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Excuse me, but who are you and why are you talking to me?”

For when you finally tune back in to the group text and have no idea what the eff anyone is talking about

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “I. Can’t. Even.”

More: 10 Goofy Emma Stone GIFs

When you wake up to an email about a mandatory 8 a.m. meeting

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Bottoms up, b**ches. So how many days until Friday again?”

More: Mariah Carey’s acting skills in 15 GIFs

For when you get a text from someone claiming to be “Steve, that guy you met at the bar last night.”

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Mhm, sure ‘Steve.’ Nice pick-up attempt, but I didn’t even go out last night.”

For when you find out your best friend and boyfriend have been sneaking around together behind your back

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Oh, hell nah. They don’t know who they’re messin’ with.”

For when your friend sends a bunch of embarrassing drunk pictures of you from last night

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Dang, I literally don’t remember any of this.”

For when your friend texts you about going out at 10:30 on a Sunday night

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Girl, I’m snuggled up in my PJs with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and Netflix. There’s no way I’m leaving my house.”

For when you can’t even handle someone’s ignorance via text

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Until you realize the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there,’ I’m just gonna sit back and let you bask in the stupidity.”

For when you realize a Twitter feud is about to break out

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while tweeting this: “Oh, snap. I’m just gonna sit back and let this happen.”

For when a full-on eye roll is necessary to portray how much you’re over the situation

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “Please just stop talking. Like, now.”

More: 11 Beyoncé reaction GIFs for all you 20-somethings out there

For when you’re trying to slyly bring up your friend’s super cute friend you’ve been obsessing over

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “So who’s that cutie in your tagged Facebook pictures and when are we getting married?”

For when someone tweets something rude that’s obviously directed at you

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while tweeting this: “Child, please. I’m better than all of you peasants.”

For when you need a super sassy way to end the conversation

Image: Riffsy

What you’re probably thinking while sending this: “I have no words for this. Girl, bye.”

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