Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Fox News put on their best sorrowful and concerned faces today when talking about the deputy recently killed in Texas and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
They’ve decided the two are connected based on nothing except, I think, the fact that black people are involved in both. This is ridiculous enough, but then Hasselbeck doubled down on her ignorance and asked why #BlackLivesMatter hasn’t been classified as a hate group yet.
Yes, you read that right. A hate group.
That is some turd-gurgling bullsh*t.
More: #BlackLivesMatter co-founders on why the movement is more vital now than ever
First of all, the idea that BLM is somehow responsible for this man’s tragic death is completely unfounded. It’s based on nothing more than the fact that the killer was a black man who targeted a white cop and that BLM exists. If we are going to start holding groups responsible for the criminal actions of their sympathizers then the Pro-Life movement is in a whole heap of trouble.
Second, BLM doesn’t advocate violence or hatred. Here is how the group describes itself on its Facebook page:
#BlackLivesMatter is…intended to build connections between Black people and our allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue amongst Black people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage social action and engagement.
They are not espousing hatred of white people or hatred of the police — they are pointing out that the system is broken and that racism is still very much a part of our society. Is anger a part of this? Hell, yes. Does that mean they are encouraging people to go out and kill whitey? Absolutely not.
BLM is forcing uncomfortable conversations, and they are not always polite about it. People like Elisabeth Hasselbeck wish that they would be quiet, mind their manners, and say “please” and “thank you.” But being polite is not how you fight those in power and demand an end to injustice. So they are going to disruptive, and they are going to yell and scream, and a lot of white people are going to feel threatened by that. Those same people see challenges to their racial privilege as hateful. But changing one’s worldview and some aspects of one’s way of life are not acts of violence, they are just difficult and scary.
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