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Kim Davis gets meme’d by the Internet, and it’s hilarious

You’ve probably heard about Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, citing her religious beliefs.

When Davis’ appeal to the United States Supreme Court was denied and she still refused to do her job and issue the licenses, Davis was called before a federal court judge on charges of willful contempt. The parties petitioning for Davis to be found in contempt requested she only be fined, but after hearing Davis’ testimony and her attorney’s representation to the court that she refused to allow other members of her staff to issue the licenses, the court ruled that Davis should be incarcerated until she agrees to issue the licenses.

More: Kentucky clerk Kim Davis can stick to her faith but not to her job

From the moment Davis was escorted out the courtroom by marshals, the Internet has been having a field day making light of the situation, because when someone is trying to hide behind the Constitution while refusing to respect the legal process set forth in it, laughing is preferable to screaming in frustration at your screen. Here are some of the funniest memes about Davis around.

Because Mary rode to Bethlehem on a donkey, not in a Dodge.

Kim Davis and Annie Wilkes are proof that misery really does love company.
Anyone who’s been married four times and wants to judge someone else’s marriage is a hypocrite.

It’s a fair question.

More: Woman blames gay community for her own unhappy childhood

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A post shared by Anthony Dion Mitzel (@admitzel)

You can probably get it cheaper if you order it from Amazon.

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A post shared by Felix Espudo (@bluboi007)

When Miranda Priestly purses her lips, you know it’s a fashion disaster.
They’re going to be pretty busy today. Let’s hope someone volunteers to do a coffee run.

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A post shared by Ron Wood (@playwright_truth)

It might not be funny, but it sure is on point.

MoreEmpowering quotes on the same-sex marriage ruling that prove #LoveWins
Hunger + anger = one hangry Kim Davis.
Everyone who’s ever worked in an office can relate.

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A post shared by Bill Gardner (@bill.gardner)

Kim Davis probably won’t be jumping on the rainbow hair trend, but someone really needs to tell her that this season it’s all about the mid-length bob.
To the left, to the left.

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