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4 Ways to put down the phone and make real-life connections

Smartphones, Skype and social media make it easier than ever to stay connected.

Yet, we are not really connected at all, because the connection our innate selves crave is one with nature, community, family and self.

I overheard a couple in front of me talking in a bookstore’s coffee shop. The gentleman mentioned how horrifying it would be to be alone. His voice rang out with fear as he went on about the subject of loneliness. He even pointed out a lone gentleman elsewhere in the bookstore.

Connections give us a purpose.

My grandfather’s health was not failing him, but once he lost my grandmother he lost his purpose and his will to live.

He stopped eating. Within a few months of my grandmother’s passing, he passed on, showing the importance of being connected to people.

Put down the smartphone, step away from your computer and get connected with your community, family, nature, self and purpose.

Your well-being depends on it.

If you’re unsure how to connect with others, look at your interests:

  • If you like reading, join a book club.
  • If you love food, start a restaurant of the month club.
  • If you’re into sports, join a sand volleyball team.
  • If you prefer nature, join a hiking club.

Just get out there and start connecting. Your next friend — or adventure — awaits you.

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