Online rating websites are fantastic resources if you’re looking for a new place to eat or a hotel that doesn’t come with bugs as roommates. But an upcoming app that allows people to rate one another instead of businesses could forever change humans’ relationships with one another.
Peeple, which is essentially Yelp for humans, will allow people to review each other on the Internet. The app, which is scheduled for release later this fall, is the brainchild of co-founders Nicole McCullough and Julia Cordray, who see it as a logical extension of the research we already do into businesses. As a mom, Cordray feels it could help parents know who to trust around their children.
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While the app may seem like the Burn Book in Mean Girls brought to life, it’s a little more complex than that. All reviews must be made under your real name with a verified Facebook account. To add a person to the review database, you must have their cellphone number.
More important: You’re not going to be slammed if you don’t want to. If you don’t have a Peeple account of your own, only positive reviews that people post about you will be shown on the website. You have to actually sign up if you want to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but (the Internet version of) the truth about yourself.
Essnetially, the thing that separates Peeple from being an actual exercise in high school drama is the fact that you’re willingly subjecting yourself to scrutiny by signing up. If you can handle leaving Pandora’s box closed and not knowing if anyone gave you a negative review, then you and everyone else will only see the good things people have to say about you.
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When it comes to using the app to review others, knowing that the person you’re dishing dirt about is someone you know and will likely have to deal with again in the future could cause some people to hold back on what they’re really thinking. When you couple that with the positive reviews there will be for people with the willpower to not sign up for a Peeple account, it’s possible Peeple may not be all that awful… or that accurate.
What we really need is an app that lets you honestly rate the people who impact our day that you wish you could tell others about. Forget the friends and family you have in your phone; you can always call them to tell them how you feel. Here are the people Peeple should let you review instead:
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1. That manspreader who takes up three seats on the bus during morning rush hour.
2. The person who doesn’t hold the door open when you’re two steps behind them.
3. The clerk who always puts the eggs and bread in a separate bag for you at the store.
4. The public piddler who refuses to sit on the toilet seat and doesn’t clean up after themselves.
5. That person at the gym who leaves their towel on a machine and then walks away so you never quite know when they’re finished.
6. The person who invented pumpkin spice flavoring.
7. That cool mom with the great range who always sings Taylor Swift songs with made-up lyrics from her car at drop-off.
8. The person who doesn’t go when the light turns green because they’re blatantly checking their phone.
9. The kind woman who kept your child distracted in the long line at the bank.
10. The monster who invented high heels.
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