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This is what it looks like when men are removed from politics (VIDEO)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, only a fraction of them would include women. That’s what the British magazine is attempting to show in a new video created to raise awareness about the dismal female representation currently in place in governments and other bodies of influence globally.

Elle UK initiated the #MoreWomen campaign in part to elevate more women to positions of power worldwide. The eye-opening video shows a series of before and after images: first the scene as it actually occurred and the people who were actually present, followed by a second look, with the men Photoshopped out and featuring a variety of women, including German chancellor Angela Merkel and Harry Potter star turned U.N. women’s envoy Emma Watson.

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But one of the messages they are attempting to spread is that in spite of the low female representation, how “powerful the influence of a few individuals can be to generate positive change and support for all.”

It also attempts to address sisterhood, solidarity and support.

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“The story of how women in positions of strength continually support and empower each other is consistently ignored while the myth that we pit ourselves against each other perpetuates. We want to change this narrative in our Feminism issue and create a more positive conversation — to reflect the power of women, and to support and grow each other as we push for global equality,” says the Elle UK editorial.

The #MoreWomen initiative hopes to celebrate the global power of women’s collectives in a playful, engaging way. Smart, successful women are too often portrayed as one-offs: fierce individualists concerned with their own success.

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