Having just become an empty nester, I am trying to find my authentic self again. So today I have been working on my personal mission statement. My mission statement is based on answering the following: what are the key values, feelings and experiences that I want to do and have?
Many of us have never thought about these questions. We just let our lives happen to us. This may be the reason that we spend so much time searching for happiness. We can’t find it if we do not know what we are looking for.
Taking the time to write down what your values are and who you want to be as a person can be quite enlightening. It can give you direction and help you find the roads that are best suited to reaching your goals.
This is what I came up with
“My mission is to live an authentic life full of compassion and love for myself and others. To be free to follow my passions and manifest a joyful soul.”
When I read this, my soul stirs and I feel light and happy. You might not read this and feel the same emotional attachment to these words that I do, and that is OK. We all have different values and goals for ourselves. Your mission statement will consist of words that make you fill with emotions.
By putting this in writing, I feel just a little more centered and have a better idea where I am coming from. This allows me to focus on what I want to give to the world and how I want to give it. Best of all, it gives me greater self-confidence in all areas of my life.
If you haven’t already, take the time to write your own mission statement. You might find out something about yourself that you never knew.
#personalmissionstatement, #InvestInWomen, #entrepreneur
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