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Dress resembles your lady bits and it’s both strange and brilliant

An Aussie woman has been making headlines for her sense of style, after she uploaded a selfie to Facebook which shows her wearing a dress that shares a striking resemblance with, um, a vagina.

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“So I bought this dress today from MYER because I really liked it… ” Sam, the founder of the School Mum Facebook page captioned the picture. “I got home and put it on for hubby and any guesses first thing he said? #dressfail #onceyouseeyoucantunsee.”

The post has almost 9,000 likes and nearly 700 shares because people are, understandably, quite taken with this dress. Sam later went on to explain that her hilarious husband referred to it as the “dance of the 7 vaginas” — thanks to its pink diamond-shaped pattern (and we don’t think we have to describe why it looks like a cervix).

Among the hilarious reactions are a few nuggets of Internet gold.

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According to Cosmopolitan, the dress is the creation of Australian designer Wayne Cooper and retails for AU$219. Although its real name is not the “vagina” dress (yes, we’re disappointed too) but rather the far more sensible “Sahara Print Maxi Dress.”

It seems that Cooper didn’t really consider his colour scheme with this one and there may not be too many women running out to buy a dress that has them looking like they are wearing a variety of vaginas.

If the dress doesn’t tickle your fancy, there’s also a top with a very similar pattern, but don’t try to find it now because MYER is experiencing a seriously high volume of shoppers — which we assume is thanks to this dress.

Would you wear this dress? Maybe just as a laugh? Or for Halloween? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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