Traveling across the United States may be on your bucket list, but it’s not exactly cheap. Unless, that is, you do it all at your local bookstore.
And to help you on your journey, artist Mark Adams of Hog Island Press has created the Great American Novel map, a look at the plots of 42 of America’s most legendary novels, all based right here in the good old U.S. of A.
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Why a map? “I’m often obsessed with infographical-type things,” the Philadelphia-based artist tells SheKnows, “and I get especially excited when I get the chance to combine meaningful subject matter with cartography. I also love printing (in this case, screen printing), and I really dig the tone that a human-pulled squeegee-and-ink effort can lend to a project like this.”
The map is hand-drawn and hand-printed, and limited editions are up for sale on his website at $30, with orders to begin shipping on Nov. 18 (think holiday gifts, folks!). The books themselves were chosen by Adams and are presented in chronological order. Each is based in and inspired by the U.S.A.
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“While I do not consider this to be an exhaustive list, I am pretty excited with the scope of important works included (and suspect may help initiate more than a few spirited conversations on the subject),” Adams notes.
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