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12 Gifts for the trendy Gen X-er

You grew up watching Kurt Loder and Tabitha Soren. Nirvana rocks, disco sucks, Molly Ringwald and John Hughes narrated your life and you bought The Smith’s “Meat Is Murder” on vinyl, cassette and finally CD. You are a classic Gen Xer who still sees herself as the young, hip, sexy, cool chick you’ve always been. Just because you are in your late 30s does not mean you don’t still have it. You have it in spades and, thus, need to be gifted as such. Here are the perfect gifts for you and your friends. Start dropping hints around the house now!

1. Cat Ear headphones

Created by two UC Berkley friends, these badass headphones are the perfect fusion of fashion and function. Glowing external cat ear speakers equipped with LED lights. (Brookstone, $150)

2. TheWalking Dead graphic novels

Bingewatch The Walking Dead from the beginning if you are not already on the highest rated show on cable. Then, when you give or get the graphic novels, you can say things like, “Andrea didn’t die in Woodbury,” and look au courant! (Target, $35)

3. Candy

Millennials love nostalgia. It’s odd since they haven’t been around all that long, but that’s how it is. The perfect gift for any Gen Xer, who also enjoys a walk down memory lane, is the candy of their youth. Pop Rocks, Buttons, Gold Rush and Razzles in one package. (Old Time Candy, $25)

4. Fancy fashion tech gloves

You can’t be cool if you don’t own a pair of tech gloves. They have become the ultimate fashion accessory. How can any self-respecting GenEx/Millennial text and swipe all winter without a pair? (Shop Prima Donna, $17)

Next:More Gen X gifts

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