Our kids need to be taught that nobody should be judged by their sexual preferences — but one British mum strongly disagrees and made her views clear on Facebook.
More:Angry parents protest elementary school’s tolerance lesson
King Solomon High School held an LGBT week to educate children on equal rights and the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. But a parent by the name of Anna was so upset that she took to Facebook to voice her concerns with a lengthy rant about the school “forcing this filth on children,” the Jewish Chronicle reports.
The mother described the LGBT badge that her daughter (who is in sixth-form) was given as an “abomination badge” (it was a rainbow flag badge which read “KSHS LGBT Week”).
“It is not lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender week in my house,” she wrote. “We will be serving the Lord as usual and NOT promoting sin so KS High School, you can keep your abomination badge.” She then quoted a verse from Corinthians, which read, “Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
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Pink News captured a screenshot of the post, which they shared online.
According to the Jewish Chronicle, the comment attracted a lot of attention and, although it was liked and shared multiple times (so there are, sadly, clearly some people who agree with Anna), the post reportedly also sparked a backlash.
In stark contrast, parent Ruth Landsman voiced her support of the school’s initiative.
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Deputy headteacher of King Solomon, Sam Walters, also weighed in, telling the publication that the students have responded in an overwhelmingly positive way.
“It is amazing to see how our students have responded,” he said. “They have taken such a mature approach to it and have come together in a really admirable way.”
“We haven’t heard from the mother, but I have had parents writing to me to say how thankful they are and how their children have come home this week really interested in what they are learning.”
He added, “The school has a good vibe to it. Not a single student has asked to not be involved. Students have been respectful; they have asked questions and have embraced the week. There is a high level of acceptance that has come through, which is really nice to see.”
Perhaps we have it wrong and it’s the younger generation who should be educating their parents on how to be more inclusive and tolerant.
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