Friendships are often the magic sparkle glue that keep our lives happy and functioning. We asked Experts what resolutions they’re making in their friendships. Here’s what they said.
As a friend, my resolution is…
“… to say no more and give 150% to only the things I say yes to. Overextending myself causes more harm than good.” — Ari Adams
“… to make uplifting comments on people’s Facebook posts rather than just liking things!” — Caroline Poser
“… to let my friends know, on a regular basis, that they are appreciated. 2015 was a very selfish year, 2016 will be different.” — Jessica Michael
“… to stop letting life stop me from being with the people that really make me happy and hold me accountable.” — Kristen Daukas
“… to continue to be supportive, and stay with those who support me!” — Mitch Chaitin
“… to clean house with my ‘perimeter friends.’ These are the women I don’t actively engage with on a regular basis.” — Laura Nuss
“In 2016, I want to make sure to let my friends and loved ones know how much they mean to me every day, not just during times of need. Several family deaths this past year taught me how important it is to show your appreciation and support to the people who understand you best. Good friends bring joy and provide strength, and I want to give back even more than I have been blessed to receive.” — Candace Levy
“… to be more involved. I flake out on plans far too often, and I’d like to nurture the friendships that I’ve neglected over time.” — Katie Reed
“… to choose quality friends over the quantity of friendships I choose to maintain.” — Michelle Hancock
“… to keep in touch better. I want to strengthen my friendships through meaningful connections and dialogue.” — Kendra Sales
“As a friend, I am going to make more of an effort to be there, despite my social anxiety.” — Heather Sander
“… to pay more attention to them than I do my phone. To be in the moment more and to get out and do things more.” — Rena McDaniel
“… to cherish, support and nurture my friendships. Everyone falls into being too busy and it is time that we make time for our friends.” — Valerie Robinson
“My resolution is to ask for help more.” — Amy Juicebox
“… to make more time to connect with friends and continue to grow and strengthen the relationships that matter most to me.” — Sandra Dawes
“… to be more available in person (not just social media).” — Randa Derkson
“… to let my friends know how much I value them as people and that I can be counted on to support, help or provide space when needed.” — Regina Bauscher
“… to listen better. Not rush my conversations, but really take time to talk to people rather than just sending a quick text or email.” — Randi Mazzella
“… to take the time to listen more.” — Jenny Farmer
“In 2016, I would like to be cautious with new friends, yet more trusting of old. Trust shouldn’t just happen, it should be earned.” — Alesya Izoita
“… to reach out more often, regardless of what I might have going on, I can send a quick text or email.” — Bola Onada Sokunbi
“… to respond to text messages in a timely manner. Send a motivational quote or prayer and ask how I can be a better friend.” — Tennile Cooper
“… to start a ‘Year of Yes’ accountability group with my friends.” — Sharice Bradford
“… to appreciate having friends. I also want to resolve to be myself and care for myself in my relationships.” — Julia Travers
“… to have more frequent ‘wine Skype sessions’ with my best friends who live in different parts of the country than I.” — Janylle Radden
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