Parents. Even when you’re lucky enough to have them in your lives, it can be hard to do right by them. We asked Experts what their resolutions as children were. Here’s what they said.
My resolution as a child is…
“… to start paying back the money my parents have loaned me through the last year.” — Denise Mattox
“… to tell my mom and dad how much I love them on a regular basis.” — Lisa Samples
“… to not get so annoyed when my mom tries to tell me what to do out of love. In her eyes, I will always be her 6-year-old.” — Ari Adams
“… to call more often and send them their grandchildren’s artwork once a month.” — Ashley
“My parents have both passed away, but I can keep their memories alive by talking about them more with my kids.” — Caroline Poser
“… to support my mother in all that she does. As she gets older, I have less patience. I want her to know that I am 100% there.” — Jessica Michael
“… to appreciate my aging parents. They are awesome grandparents, it is my job to see that my son gets to create great memories with them.” — Mitch Chaitin
“… to initiate plans or phone calls on a more regular basis with my parents.” — Laura Nuss
“… to call often and listen to my mom. I also will take her out more often.” — Michelle Casten
“… to call my parents more. My folks don’t hear from us half as much as they should. They won’t be around forever.” — Katie Reed
“… to be more forgiving.” — Cassandra McCann
“… to call my dad once a week and be patient when all he wants to talk about is the movie he is watching on television.” — Ashj3nt
“I’ve resolved to stop letting life keep me from seeing my mom and grandmother regularly.” — Krishna Davenport-Francis
“… to thank my parents for everything they have done for me more often. Parenting is tough!” — Michelle Hancock
“… to be an asset to the lives of my loved ones. I will remain non-judgmental, helpful and sincere.” — Dana Gore
“… to apply the lessons my parents taught me and use them for the greater good. I want to make my family proud.” — Valerie Robinson
“… to sit and talk more. Invite them over for dinner more often.” — Marie Curtis
“… to honor my parents memory throughout the year and feel their presence in my heart.” — Regina Bauscher
“… to make the effort to spend time together. I am lucky to have two living parents, even if sometimes they drive me nuts.” — Randi Mazzella
“… to call more.” — Jenny Farmer
“… to stay patient and to understand that my parents are human. We all have our weaknesses, and we all cope differently.” — Mary O’Brien
“… to take my parents out to dinner more throughout the year.” — Staci Gerardi
“… to spend more quality time with my parents!” — Maimah Karmo
“… to start walking again, so my mother no longer has to care for me anymore.” — ShawnTe Pierce
“… to make my parents proud of the woman I’ve grown up to be.” — Bola Onada Sokunbi
“… to call my parents at least once a week. Not just a quick check-in call, but a phone call where I take time to really listen.” — Amy Smalarz
“… to just be in my parent’s lives, and not try to change them.” — Julia Travers
“… to help my mother organize her important documents.” — Michele Goad
“… to allow my parents to be involved in as many aspects of my life as possible, now that I live so far away, by sending more pics.” — Janylle Radden
“… to be more patient and listen more to the support needs my folks have about my brother who has disabilities.” — Dee Dee Eberle
“As a daughter, I resolve to get to know my parents better. Who are they at this stage in their lives?” — Valerie Lenon Reed
“… to stop worrying so much about my mother and let her live her own life.” — Stephanie Dionne
“… to spend more time with my parents really getting to know them as individuals, and not just as my mom and dad. They will often tell me that their favorite gift is simply spending time together. They’ve spent a good part of their lives learning about me, and I think it’s high time I tried to do the same. This may be a bit awkward at times, but, hey, whose life is without those moments!? I’m getting a running start on this, too. My mom and I are going to participate in the Ugly Sweater Run this year. We’ll be walking it, but that means we’ll get some time to talk, too!” — Shana Schneider
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