It’s no secret that much of the press has a sexist slant when reporting on Hillary Clinton. The issues seem to get tossed to the side in favor of commenting on her hairstyle or fashion choices. Clinton’s latest choice to wear a bold, new coat has inspired a multitude of sites to once again pass up the politics in favor of the fashion.
More:Ask a Raging Feminist: What answers does Hillary Clinton owe women?
The Daily Mail’s “FEMAIL” section published a piece on Clinton’s 20 worst fashion faux pas over the past 50 years, with the coat front and center. The Daily Mail wasn’t the only publication to mention it, with Huffington Post, TMZ, New York Daily News and others all getting in on Coat Gate:
Not so shocking, it doesn’t seem like any other candidate’s attire is under scrutiny.
More:6 Times Hillary Clinton absolutely shut down her critics
We’re still waiting for the exposé on Bernie Sanders’ tie collection and Donald Trump’s suit selection. While the other candidates are getting skewered or praised for their politics, it seems Clinton continues to get the sexist treatment, and that really must change. So instead of 20 worst looks, how about some political points and interesting facts people can write about when it comes to Hillary Clinton? The good, the bad and maybe even the ugly (and zero mention of any coats!):
She’s a big LGBT supporter. And she has finally acknowledged that she might always have been (especially when it came to marriage equality).
She has served in an elected position for eight years. That’s seven years less than the average presidential candidate in the 2016 race (but eight years more than Donald Trump!).
Her career has been varied. In addition to serving as Secretary of State, she’s been an attorney, a first lady, a senator and a college professor, and has sat on the board of Walmart.
She believes abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right. Does anything more need to be said here?
Has long spoken out for gun control. Her gun policies are what some might consider “stringent,” while others consider them “long overdue.”
Is for higher taxes on the wealthy. Polarizing position for some, but not all.
She’s rolling in the campaign dough. Hillary Clinton has raised a total of $101 million so far from her campaign committees and super PACs.
She is passionate about ending violence against women. Clinton has spoken out about sexual assault on college campuses and, as a first lady, senator and Secretary of State, worked hard on combating violence against women.
She has a penchant for missing the culturally appropriate mark. Whether it’s suggesting she’s an abuela or promoting Kwanzaa, Clinton might mean well, but it plays rather culturally unaware to many.
She has the best meme.Hands down.
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