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How the world is changing — one inspiring woman at a time

At the end of the day, we all want to look back and see that we’ve done something worthwhile, something with a lasting impact. For some women that impact is at home, for some it’s in the workplace, for some it’s in their communities.

What makes an inspiring woman in the broad world of social impact? It’s a woman who has decided that there’s no such thing as a voice too quiet or a cause too big.

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Of course, choosing just 20 amazing women who have been effecting social change was no easy feat. From grassroots organizers to Hollywood heavy hitters, there are women in all walks of life trying to make a difference for themselves and the people they love. They’re out knocking on doors to spread awareness and knocking down barriers to be the change they see in the world.

Making our list are women who have made headlines and women who you may not have heard of, even though you’ve likely benefited from their work. They’re women who’ve fought for women’s rights, children’s rights… human rights.

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They’re women who have stood up in Congress to filibuster on behalf of women, who have stood up against violence in their own cities, who have seen girls across the world suffering and decided to do something about it. They’re activists. Organizers. Dreamers. And doers.

And the next time you’re feeling like you can’t make a difference, consider this: They are. So why can’t you?

Check out our list of honorees below:

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