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Irish pub comes up with genius way of serving half-pints

If you love your beer, but a pint is just too much for you, an Irish pub has come up with a genius way for you to pretend you’re sinking a whole pint, while in fact you’re only drinking 50 percent of that.

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This innovative half-pint glass has been designed by Simon Lambert & Sons in Wexford, and since they shared their invention on their Facebook page last week, they’ve been overwhelmed by the response.

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However, their new style of half-pint glass has been such a hit with customers, they’ve decided to hold onto them.

“Unfortunately all the half-pint glasses have been nicked from the pub!” the pub posted on Facebook. “So until we get more at some point in the future, we are going to put this last one in a glass cabinet, just in case of emergencies.”

But if you’d like to purchase your own half-pint glass and take it along to your local boozer, you can get your hands on one for £10 plus delivery to the U.K.

Given the recent change to the government’s drinking guidelines for men, Simon Lambert & Sons’ half pint glasses might just be the perfect way for blokes to cut down on the beer while saving face. The new guidelines recommend that men should regularly drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week (that’s equal to five pints of beer at 5 percent ABV strength or six small glasses of wine), bringing them into line with the existing guidelines for women.

The change comes in response to the latest research into the health risks of alcohol, which suggests that the overall risks are the same for men and women. It also means the U.K. now has one of the lowest suggested upper limits for men in the world, joining Australia in being one of the few countries to recommend the same limit for both men and women.

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