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Ben Carson campaign worker killed in crash & other news headlines

It’s hump day, which means you just have to get to lunch and you’re on the back half of the week. Kill a few minutes with a cup of coffee and these news headlines. 

1. Jilted

Bristol Palin went on the attack yesterday after a spokesman for Ted Cruz criticized Sarah Palin‘s choice to endorse Donald Trump over her longtime ally Ted Cruz. In a blog post, Bristol wrote that she hoped her mother would endorse Donald Trump and that she was disappointed in the Cruz campaign’s “negative knee-jerk reaction” to the news. What’s that about not messing with a mama bear? Don’t mess with the cubs either, evidently. — MSNBC

2. Terror in Peshawar

Gunmen opened fire at a university in northwestern Pakistan today, killing at least 19 people and wounding many others. The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks. All four gunmen were killed. The area is particularly vulnerable to terrorism; a suicide bomber killed 11 people yesterday at a police checkpoint. — The New York Times

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3. Sad news

Braden Joplin, a 25-year-old worker for the Carson campaign in Iowa, has died after a car accident that also injured three other passengers working for the campaign. While changing lanes, the driver lost control of the van, which traveled through the median and was broadsided by a pickup truck. Carson suspended campaigning for the day. — CNN

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4. Animal rights

Pamela Anderson, the former Baywatch star and current animal rights activist, traveled to France yesterday to address the National Assembly of France. She urged French officials to ban the force-feeding of ducks and geese, which is done to enlarge the livers of the animals to make foie gras. This isn’t the first time that stars have tried to influence governments to change their ways: In 1977, Brigitte Bardot traveled to Canada to bring attention to baby seal killings. — CNN Money

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5. Jeers

Ammon Bundy, the leader of an armed group occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge, made an unscheduled visit to a community meeting yesterday. He was met with jeers and chants of “go home” from the crowd, who accused the out-of-staters of appropriating a local cause. Bundy and his group want the federal prison sentences of two local ranchers overturned and public land given to local control. The FBI is working on finding a peaceful resolution to the occupation. — NBC News

6. Horse race

Bernie Sanders has pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire by an eye-popping 27 points, a new CNN/WMUR poll shows. This is a bigger lead than other polls are showing for the Feb. 9 primary, but Sanders’ lead has been widening over Clinton in recent weeks. New Hampshire allows independents and Republicans to vote in the Democratic primary, rules that are giving Sanders a bump. — Slate

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