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The 3 types of people in social media feeds on Valentine’s Day

Sigh. It’s the season of love. Everywhere you look, there are hearts, cupids and mush, mush, mush! You can’t turn on the TV without seeing commercials telling men to make sure she knows how much she’s loved on Valentine’s Day. Get her a bracelet, get her a necklace, get her that special charm.

There are the floral adverts urging you to send a dozen red roses. What the heck, send her two dozen! Send carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, tulips. Shoot, be creative and send a mixture. Then our Facebook walls, Twitter feeds and especially Instagram will likely be overcapacity with all the pictures of the bouquets.

Then you’ll have the folks who are single, divorced or otherwise unattached during this season of love. They come in two flavors. Maybe three.

1. The “I hate this day” crew

This set of people isn’t solely comprised of the divorced. There is a gaggle of people who are super angry about love itself, so they would just as soon skip an entire day celebrating it. Most often, they have been trashed by love in one way or another. Love has failed them through experience or they have been frightened enough by the failure of relationships that were assumed to be indestructible.

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I have to chuckle as I think about all the times I saw posts that said, “Why is everybody making such a big deal out of this one day? You’re supposed to show love every day.” Sour grapes. Every one of the posts I saw that said something to that extent were from people who weren’t in relationships. I’m a jokester, so I do post a plethora of memes relating to this crew.

2. The “I love this day because I’m back in love” crew

Most of my friends who were divorced are either remarried or in exclusive relationships, and the large majority of my unmarried friends are in relationships of some sort. They get their fill of love every day, but this special day that’s been set aside for the public to see those extra measures is amazing. They’re happy for others, too.

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3. The “It’s not possible for me to care any less” crew

These people don’t care about Valentine’s Day one way or another. Some of them are involved in relationships and some are alone. Either way, they don’t care. Some will get huge bouquets of beautiful flowers, they’ll get decadent chocolates and maybe even a nice, romantic dinner. You’ll have those who will partake in an order of egg foo young from the corner Chinese restaurant or maybe even some delicious waffle fries from Chick-fil-A. Whatever happens that day will happen. They are good with things just the way they are.

My advice? Celebrate anyway

I still believe in love and all the beauty surrounding it. My marriage was plagued with abuse and pain, but I haven’t been poisoned in my belief in the sanctity and blessing of marriage. I will continue to celebrate Valentine’s Day, whether or not I have a significant other. I fully believe that there is someone for everyone out there and that Valentine’s Day is the day to put that love on public display.

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