Unless you’ve owned a bird, few truly understand the rich and dynamic personalities portrayed by our fine feathered friends. Sure, they’re not the easiest to snuggle with and can seldom be potty trained, but birds are like little people. In fact, a few species have the intelligence — and temperament — of a 2-year-old human.
Here are 15 character traits we bird owners know to be true.
1. Birds are social creatures and love to make new friends
This poor little budgie doesn’t understand why his new mate doesn’t want to play.
2. They love affection
“Oh, oh… lower. Lower. Yes, please.”
3. Mornings be like…
“Wheeeeeee.” Don’t we all wish we could wake up with as much energy as our feathered friends?
4. They have attachment issues
Being away from one’s best friend is disheartening.
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5. They have to be the center of attention
“You have friends coming over? Let me put on a wild show for them!”
6. After a long day…
Happy hour! Just kidding. But seriously — they pretty much throw their own private party when you come home from work.
7. Our lovable little friends cannot stop themselves from defecating, even when they’re resting on your shoulder
Fortunately, a bird’s doo-doo is preceded by a short stint of bird-twerking. Be on the lookout!
8. They already know they’re pretty, but that shouldn’t stop you from telling them anyway
They really do love all the special attention.
9. Every item in your house now belongs to them
That super expensive food item you splurged on at Whole Foods? Your bird is probably eating it right now.
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10. Birds have no problem expressing their anger
If they’re mad, they’ll let you know.
11. Sometimes, anything will inspire a random dance session
Maybe that’s just them calling out for attention, but it’s usually at super inconvenient times, like when you have work to get done but your bird is all like, “No, let me distract you with my dance instead!”
12. Birds have a sense of humor
They’re always up for some jokes. That little turtle has never moved so fast in its life.
More: Top 5 reasons to get a pet bird
13. Unlike most pets, or even your young kid, birds don’t need to be asked to take baths
No modesty. Anywhere, anytime.
14. Birds love to groom
And not just themselves. Feathers, hair, fur? Doesn’t matter. If it’s out of place, it’s going to get fixed.
15. Sometimes you wonder if your bird will ever shut up
Yeah, they’re obnoxiously loud and chatty, but we love them anyway. Our homes would feel so lonely without their constant squawking.
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