Texas high school junior Dannie McMillan is an awesome athlete on her school’s powerlifting team, but some bullies used a recent team photo to make fun of her.
McMillan, 16, was in study hall when someone texted her a screenshot of a Twitter account with the handle @fatwhaledee with a whale superimposed over her spot in the photo. The name on the account was equally as classy: “Dee’s a fat whale.”
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“The moment I got out of that classroom, I just started crying,” she told local news station KCEN of seeing the Twitter account. “I was just really upset. I think I got angry after a little bit. But at first I was just so embarrassed.”
She reached out to Laura Lee, a plus-size model she admires, and together they hatched a plan.
kcentv.com – KCEN HD – Waco, Temple, and Killeen
“I jokingly told her: Part of me wants to cry all day. And the other part of me wants to get a T-shirt with a whale on it and wear it to school to show that they can’t get to me,” McMillan added. “And she was like, ‘Oh, we should.'”
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And that’s exactly what she did.
The teen is now selling a “Dee the Fat Whale Saves the Whales” T-shirt online for $20, with all of the profits going to Save the Whales. So far, she’s sold $1,900 worth of shirts.
McMillan also set up a GoFundMe page to raise even more funds for the cause.
“This project means so much to me because while I can help make a difference in the oceans I can also set an example for other victims of bullying,” she wrote on the GFM page. “I can take someone’s hate and use it to spread love. Overcoming things like this is not easy but people need to know that it is possible and they have support.”
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She’s raised over $2,500 in a little over two weeks. Wonder how much her bullies have raised for good causes? Zero, we’re sure.
More importantly, she’s doing something constructive against those who want to bring her down. Dee, you are awesome.
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