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Mom of 5 spends $500,000 to look like Barbie

Looking like Barbie is every 8-year-old’s dream, replete with the pink house, pink cars, closet full of bright shoes and happy Ken doll boyfriend. At a certain point, most women abandon the dream. But for one mom of five in Cincinnati, Ohio, looking (and living) like Barbie is a reality.

Nannette Hammond has five children and is 42 years old, but you wouldn’t know any of that by looking at her Instagram photos. Countless plastic surgeries totaling around $500,000 have left the blond bombshell looking ageless and almost entirely like the doll she so loves. Barbie, look out. You’ve been served. See below:

Hammond says she loves her life and her husband and all her children with whom she stays home. She also alludes to some people being a little hateful about her look. And while I am not supportive of plastic surgery (especially starting as young as Hammond did at 21) and I do wonder about the effect on children of seeing all this, I can’t help but side with her. If she likes her look, who are we to question it? Here are more photos:

More:Barbie gets her own Instagram, causes major fashion envy
The truth is, plastic surgery is a personal choice. It is not one I would make, but it is her life and she clearly feels good about it and happy. I also wonder if she might find more people who support her look in a place like Miami or Los Angeles rather than Cincinnati.

People love to stare and gawk at women who choose to go this route and she is not the first woman to model her look after Barbie. But, for the most part, she seems to be happily married and committed to raising her children so if she likes to alter her look to suit her ideal, it’s really not our business. She’s happy and in this world, that’s really enough. More power to her.

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Barbie Mom’s abs are also to die for. She claims to eat Doritos and gummy bears, but I wonder where they go. Maybe that is the joy of plastic surgery and working out every day for an hour with a trainer. May we all learn to love our looks as much as her.

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