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Teen puts forward excellent case for why Canada trumps America

A list created by a 17-year-old named Mackenzie has been making its way around the internet, and many Americans are probably not going to be very happy with it. But we can’t really blame them because the list in question is 35 points on why Canada trumps America.

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Mackenzie started the list as a joke between herself and her friends, and her tweets range from comments about Canada having better health care, to a prime minister who refers to himself as a feminist.

Add in some light-hearted comments about how our bank notes and coins are more colourful and interesting, and the fact that you can enjoy your favourite coffee treat at a Tim Hortons (which she describes as “the light of my life”).

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The comprehensive list has garnered international attention — and not all of it good. Obviously, not all non-Canadians will agree with Mackenzie’s points, but that’s kind of missing the point. Her list offers insight into how many youths see Canada, and really, what makes this country such a special place to grow up in.

You simply can’t dispute some of her observations. For example, Canada has free health care, “so we ain’t paying an arm and a leg to fix a broken toe.” There’s a video created by Healthcare Triage that explains the difference between the two systems (America and Canada): Most health care (including medically necessary care, as well as maternity care and infertility treatment) is free for Canadians, “with no money out of pocket.”

Then there’s gay marriage, which has been legal in Canada since July 2005. The country’s ruling has allowed its citizens to all enjoy the same human rights, including social and tax benefits. In fact, Canada was the fourth country in the world to legalise gay marriage (in stark comparison, the U.S. Supreme Court legalised same-sex marriage almost an entire decade later, in May 2015).

Canada’s stance on equality directly benefits its young people by providing them with a broader frame of mind and a policy of inclusion.

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Mackenzie also noted that Canada’s university tuition fees are cheaper.

Over the past decade, American students have been flocking to Canada to benefit from the lower tuition fees. (Although not all Canadian university fees come with a reasonable price tag; according to a report by Global News, the price of tuition in Canada is continuing to rise.)

There’s also the fact that women in Canada have longer paid maternity leave — a report from the International Labour Organization (ILO) states that in Canada, while wages depend on the province, the average length of maternity leave is 52 weeks, with the percentage of wages paid at 55 percent at 17 weeks for maternity leave. Also, the additional 35 weeks can be taken by either parent. By comparison, there’s no federally mandated maternity leave in the U.S.

This suggests that Canada is trying hard not to fail its younger generation, and it’s not going unnoticed. According to the 2015 Family Life Index published by InterNations, the country ranks at number 16 of the world’s top 20 countries to raise a family.

Of course, we have to agree with Mackenzie on a few less serious points, too. Because really, who doesn’t enjoy the cheese and gravy dish poutine? Plus, Canada has hot celebs like Ryan Gosling and Justin Bieber (she forgot Drake though).

Mackenzie’s list has received some pretty harsh feedback, including messages referring to her as a “disgusting Canadian.” Thankfully, most people seem to be taking it in the spirit in which it was intended.

What do you think of the list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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